Wednesday, November 27, 2019


N 39.51491; W 7.64990

Nisa is a Portuguese town in the district of Portalegre, Alentejo region and sub-region of Alto Alentejo, with about 3 300 inhabitants.
It is the seat of a municipality with 575.68 km² in area and 7 450 inhabitants (2011), subdivided into 7 parishes. The municipality is limited to the west and north by the municipality of Vila Velha de Ródão, to the northeast by Spain, to the southeast by Castelo de Vide, to the south by Crato, to the southwest by Gavião, and the northwest by Mação.



 39° 35' 51" N; 7° 31' 53" W

Montalvão is a Portuguese parish in the municipality of Nisa, with an area of 123.87 km² and 290 inhabitants (2021). Its population density is 2.3 inhabitants/km².
Montalvão was an important settlement in Alto Alentejo in the early days of the Portuguese monarchy. The need to protect this sector of the border, combined with the ineffective population presence, determined that the locality was established as the seat of a vital territory for the survival of the Christian order. in the region. No wonder, therefore, that it was Commendation of the Order of Christ, an institution that would have been at the origin of the castle that generally comes down to us. Its construction has been pointed out in the reign of D. Dinis, but the monument still lacks from a broader archaeological study that allows conclusions to be drawn about the phases of occupation it went through. as having only one wall, without any attached tower, with access to the intramural space through a single door. This entrance was rebuilt a century later, certainly for a long time. This large ruin then acquired the classic appearance, with a straight lintel between pilasters that support an architrave, which it still boasts today, and which contrasts with the small and irregular apparatus with which the fence that defines the castle was built.